An exceptional beauty with copper-peachy-orange clad petals, accented with a touch of gold, Ferncliff Copper, glows in summery colors. These bloomers with luxurious thick petals shimmer in the sun as if speckled with gold dust. Sturdy plants with straight long stems, produce amazing cut flowers from summer to frost. With long vase life they are a must have in a cutting garden.
Product will be shipped in April/ May as per your hardiness zone.
Tubers: 1
Height: 4 - 5'
Bloom Size: 5"
Classification: Formal Decorative
Soil Requirements: Well-drained
Light Requirement: Full-Sun
Bloom Time: Summer to Fall
Planting Instructions: 2-4" deep and 1-2' apart
Winter care: Dig the tubers in fall and store in a medium (e.g., peat moss, wood shavings, vermiculite) in a cool, dry, and frost- free location. Before storing, dry tubers for a few days (preferably outdoors).