My Blogs on Gardening

  • Dahlia Captures - Summer/ Fall 2022

    My inspiration in collecting new dahlia varieties, come from reflective experience of other growers – glowing accounts of success, trials and tribulations, and the eternal excitement surrounding the wonderful world of growing dahlias!
  • Why I garden

    Gardening teaches me how things can come back more beautifully in their rebirth. It shows me how nothing goes to waste and everything has a purpose in life. It teaches me Buddha’s truth of accepting impermanence.
  • A Red Carpet Laid on My Pathway

    There are two Bloodgood Japanese maples growing along our pathway to the backyard. One summer, I laid this pathway with logs, tiles, and river stones that provides amazing seasonal interest in my garden. 
  • Blooming Boulevards

    For the longest time I remember, I wanted to grow pollinator friendly native plants with little to no upkeep in boulevards surrounding my plot. I dreamed of a wildflower meadow less susceptibility to weed growth, requiring no fertilizing and little to no water. 
  • Last Show of Dahlias

    When it’s time to dim the lights and take a bow, doing it gracefully—filling several jars and a glorious basketful! The daily lows are dipping further, and the streets are wild with leaves. It marks the end of summer spent swooning over these beauties.

  • Resilience of Dahlias

    My dahlias! This year, they've been drenched and thunder-stormed. They've been winded and scorched. They've been slithered on and devoured. Yet, they still keep on spreading love and stunning my garden...


  • My Story Published on Toronto Star!

    I posted the following story on "fearing imperfection in gardening" on a couple of gardening groups, and some members there, urged me to send it to gardening magazines and newspapers as they felt an innate connection to my message. 

    Please click here to read the article: